Our Services

Managing short-term rental properties with a personal and professional service.

Sheok & Sand Stays create memorable and personalised stays for guests.

We will look after your home like it was our own, with long standing relationships with trades and businesses in our unique area we will cover any services that your home requires.

We endeavour to create strong relationships with home owners, prospective and returning guests and all the service personnel that keep your home attractive to welcomed guests in the current competitive holiday rental market.

We believe Sheok & Sand Stays offer a point of difference from other agencies that just take a booking.

We value the relationships we have with our owners and guests.

Do you have a property in Pacific Palms?

We’d love to appraise your property and let you know how we can help you manage it!

Contact Alex for a free appraisal today alexandra@sheoakandsandstays.com


Property Management:

STRA Registration & Renewal, Compliancy, Evacuation Diagrams designed by Sheoak & Sands

3 Booking Platfroms - Listing & Hosting:

Airbnb, Stayz & Riparide

Booking management

Maintenance scheduling

Coordination of housekeeping, cleaning, linen management, maintenance and grounds

Assess and supervise any required repairs

Monthly Profit & Loss Reports


Guest communication, personalised check in and out if required

Guest Welcome Packs

Open and regular communication with our holiday home owners

Guest screening

On call for the duration of the stay, 24/7 emergency contact number

​Pre-arrival and Post-departure inspections

Sheoak & Sand Stays Compendium, custom to each property

Photographs of the property

Property Styling

Social media and marketing management – NO annual or ongoing marketing fees or charges

Concierge services can include graze platters, picnics, proposals, in home chefs, spa treatments, bookings for restaurants and activities, childcare, local produce deliveries.